Friday, January 4, 2008

In-Limbo, Dating and the After-Life

So after having a few days to ponder the situation with The Comedian I've decided that although it was a little presumtious of me to assume that he should've returned my called out of respect, the "being in the "In-Limbo" stage" entitles him NOT to have that obligation. However, I will revert back to the word. Respect. This is a simple 7-letter word that even has it's own song (Hats off to you Ms Aretha Franklin!). Now whether we demand it or expect it is a different story.

This In-Limbo phase will forever get us girls in trouble. I, in no way, was expecting a relationship out of The Comedian however I do demand a little bit of consideration considering I was making a call that HE asked me to make...only seems slightly unfair and a little rude that he got mad at me for being short because he never returned it... Kind of Alanis Morrisette irony don't ya say?

This is the part of Non-Dating, Dating delimma. At what point in this phase can we expect that people do what they say or call us out of consideration? One week? One month? 3 sleep-overs later? I will be the first to admit that I hate "the talk", you know, the one where you establish what both parties are looking for, where the relationship is going and what you think about each other. In fact, the thought of that talk makes me want to crawl under my desk in hopes that he won't know I'm here. Not because I don't want to know what the other person has to say but because I despise talking about my feelings. I just want someone to automatically know that although I like you it's highly likely that this will not last because I have a fear of committment so great that it's suprising I wear the same shirt all day. I'm not very good with emotions. As in I haven't cried over a boy in YEARS. But don't cry for me Argentina, I'm ok with this. No need to plan the pity party venue for me, I've actually had a chance to figure out who I am and what I want out of life which is why it doesn't really bother me that The Comedian probably won't call next week as he said he would.

I'm just looking for someone who thinks it's just considerate to return a phone call, or a text message, hell... I'll even take a noogie...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting, but I completely understand where you are coming from. I too hate the talk and cringe at the thought of it. And as far as the "limbo" time goes, yea, I feel like im a lil to old for all that. If i really want to talk to someone, ill call them when im thinking about them, ya know?!? (if i had their number, lol)