Wednesday, January 23, 2008

In case you were wondering...

I've never been in love with anyone, ever. I haven't cried over someone in 3 years b/c after that relationship I put my heart away where no one could reach it. When I say I don't care, I really don't. I don't understand people with co-dependency issues. I don't understand people who have a fear of commitment (me). I'm afraid that I will be alone forever because I refuse to open up to anyone.

I'm tired of people I date going back to their ex-girlfriends. I'm tired of being "that" girl.

I'm smarter and more talented than my boss but I don't leave my job b/c I don't want to start over somewhere else.

I keep myself as busy as I am b/c I don't ever want to feel lonely.

I'm afraid of the dark. I love the rain. I love water. I'm good at lying. I'm obsessed with sneakers.


Anonymous said...
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Chelsea Talks Smack said...

Honestly- I've been like this most of my life- until I finally started to date someone and we dated for a couple years before I was TRULY open ot him, needless to say I DID get hurt
BUT. I wouldn't take any of it back.

I think we all have different timelines as people and you can never FORCE yourself ot be somewhere that you arent, the time will come to be open, when the person comes to be open to.