Thursday, December 20, 2007

Do what you love...

I heard something really profound the other day and thought This applies to me.

"I don't believe relationships are about compromise. You should do what you love and then find someone who gets their greatest pleasure in seeing you that way"

Some of you probably won't agree with this and will give the "relationships take work and compromise" speech but how many people have put their lives on hold to compromise in a relationship only to have it NOT work? Too many to count.

I love to laugh, travel, dance, be with friends, run, play with my dogs and ride shopping carts through the store... why should I have to give up or reduce the amount of time I spend doing the things I love to make someone else happy? Aren't I then taking away from my happiness? Why not find someone who appreciates you for the things you love and someone who understands that those things have made you the person they are in love with?

I'm not saying that you shouldn't compromise b/c that's life but compromise shouldn't be the MAIN factor of your relationship. If both people are extremely happy with their lives in and out of the relationship then it will be THAT much better.