Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Love in the form of music

I've been surrounded by music because of dance for so long that I cannot imagine a life without it. Music, unlike love, has the ability to know exactly what to say in every situation.

Think about it.

There is a song in your playlist that seems to fix every issue in your life. A song, that once you hear it, makes you realize that everything will be ok. You always hear about people who thank artists for their music because it got them through some really hard times. Dancers can appreciate music because they can move to express their feelings to every song. A little lyrical for those sad times, a little modern for the angry times, a little jazz for the happy times and a little hip hop for the days when you just want to bust out. But you don't have to be a dancer to appreciate it...Music is the one thing that will always be universal, it's been the way to express ourselves since damn near the beginning of time.

People have songs that define their relationships, The Wedding Song.
Songs that define their being, The Theme Song.
Songs that define their previous relationships, The Ex Song.

Hell, I even use to have Myspace song wars with an ex of mine. We never actually had to have a discussion on how we were feeling b/c our song on our page expressed it for us. Stupid? Yes. Proves my point? Also yes.

Music is the one that that will always make me happy. When I have no one in my life music remains, it will never leave me. It will always be there for me. When I need it. No questions asked. No stupid comments. It just plays, on repeat if I should ask of it.

It loves me and I love it and forever our relationship will continue exactly like that. I never have to question whether it loves me or where our relationship is going because I always know. I have Love. In the form of Music.

1 comment:

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

Amen :) and the Myspace song....everyone chooses their myspace song as a sort of ANTHEM lol.