Monday, June 16, 2008

Dad's Day

My schedule makes it fairly hard to see my parents on a regular basis and since I was given this weekend off I figured that I would invite them to stay with me...

They arrived Sat afternoon and we went to eat at Gloria's then to a Rough Riders game. Sunday we woke up, I made a simple breakfast and then went to lunch.

The man I call my father is actually my step dad and came into my life when I was 8. My biological father was only around for the first 8 years of my life and barely at that...he's referred to as the sperm donor.

Obviously coming into a relationship where a woman already has two 8-year olds is a task in itself but he managed to do it and although we butted heads quite a bit when we were growing up, he's taught me so much. Every time he comes down we make a home depot trip. This time it was to replace the light bulbs in my microwave, buy a new AC filter and a rubber stopper for behind my front door. He also gave my dogs a bath and offered to buy me new tires for my truck b/c they need it.

I have never regretted that the sperm donor is out of my life and doesn't want anything to do with my sister. My life would be sooo much different and not in a good way, my biological father is the true essence of a loser. He wasn't always that way but when my mom and sister and I left behind small town Indiana for a better life in Texas he stayed behind and slowly became a worthless piece of shit...

My stepfather always supported every decision we made even if it was the wrong one and even though he wasn't the most hands-on dad he taught me some of the most important lessons.
Buy a house, don't rent. (done)
Save at least $10,000 for a rainy day (yeah, working on that)
Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't appreciate you (done)
Don't rush into life, live it the way that makes you happy (everyday of my life)

Thanks Dad!

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