Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Lost with a clearly defined map

You know how there are certain days where you have clear, concise directions how to get somewhere but you still get lost? Yeah, that's kinda where I'm at. Although I will say things are looking up.

I'm done teaching for the summer so my Thursdays are free for a few months, I'm hanging out with friends more, I'm starting to run again, I'm walking the dogs more often and I will be picking back up my oils and getting back into my art stuff. It's kind of like when I put a blanket over my dogs face and they fight to get free and once they do they're really excited and jumping everywhere and they run around and play... I've had a little inspiration lately in quite a few forms but most of it has come from some new "music"... (those close to me will get this)...

I am excited to wake up everyday, I'm excited to see where life is going and more and more I'm excited just to... be.

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