Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Guilty of the same

Ok, so I've been guilty of playing the "I'm not sure if I like you so I'll tell you I want to hang out but I'm too 'busy' right now" card.

And I'm guilty of the "Just stop calling and maybe they'll get the hint" Which is probably why I don't have patience for those people that do it to me.

Or, maybe I just notice that's what they're doing sooner than most people...

Most of the time I am just busy but I've also used it as an "opt out" and most people eventually just give up on trying to hang out with me and I don't have to feel bad b/c I never had to tell them that I didn't really want to hang out.

Maybe it's Karma's little way of telling me that I shouldn't be such a douche.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Summer, I like reading your blog. It makes me laugh. And yes, you're a douche.