Thursday, August 21, 2008

Happiness in Confusion

I should probably preface this post by saying that I am truly happy with where I am in life, my relationship with Captain Awesome and my friendships. However I am utterly confused and not b/c I don't want what I's just a big change.

I have, minus a few rotating roommates, lived by myself in my house for 2 years now with the dogs and although I did enjoy it, I was lonely at times. The thought of having someone to come home to every day was a nice, well, thought. I didn't actually think about the process of having that someone there all the time.

The combining of kitchen things in an already at full capacity kitchen. The bedroom furniture in the guest bedroom that already has a bed. The couch and gimoungous TV in an already furnished living room (cue "man room"). It's a little overwhelming trying to plan all this stuff AND actually do it since he's still out of commission b/c of the knee. I've gone from having MY stuff in the house to having HIS stuff which is now all OUR stuff. I've had an OUR's before but not really, not permanently and I think the "permanent" is the part that's starting to kick in a little. OK, a lot.

I have no doubt that this is going to work it's just that we're still learning about each other and what to say and what not to say. What hurts each others feelings and what doesn't, etc. Things most people take their time learning, not us. We started with the fact that neither one of us has wanted anything to work more than this and went from there. That should let you know our personalities :) Balls to the wall, full-out, no bullshit. Which will either be our downfall or the reason why we last forever.

I'm just glad his family is around to help. His mother has been great, she helps keep my house clean, cooks dinner for us every couple of days and is going to help me plan how to make all this stuff work in the space. Honestly, I'd probably be even more overwhelmed if not for her. We still have at least 2 more months of this so even though I'm getting use to it, it's still an adjustment in lifestyle.

Happiness in Confusion

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