Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Oh Universe, how you make me giggle

So upon suggestion by a friend that a book would change my life I picked up "The Secret" and because I usually fall asleep while reading, I bought it on iTunes so I could listen to it at work. You know, instead of working.

The book makes perfect sense. Perfect, "Duh, why didn't I think of that", sense. The Law of Attraction. What you put out into the Universe is what will be returned to you. Negative receives negative. Positive receives positive. Easy enough Univers, I GOT THIS! Until implementation time comes. It's all easy in theory but trying to maintain a positive attitude while you want to punch your co-worker in the face is really hard. Especially when THAT's the one thing that would make your world happy. The book teaches you lots of ways on how to ask the Universe for what you want and have gratitude for everything that you DO have instead of complaining about what you DON'T have...eventually you will have everything YOU desire becuase YOU asked for it. Simple enough.

I can honestly it's helped me deal with a situation this week that would make any normal woman fly off the handle. Instead, I just walked away.

The Comedian is done. I walked away from him yesterday because frankly he doesn't deserve me. Here's the story for you:
He called me Friday early afternoon as he was heading out of town to Houston to visit his cousin. I didn't hear from him again until LATE sunday night. Now I don't need someone to call me to check in however, I did start to wonder if he was still alive. So Monday I decide that I'm going to email him and try to find some time to hang out this week. His comment to me was something like this. "I'm not the one without time, you are. So really the question should be would you like to hang out Monday, Wed, Saturday between the hours of 8PM and 6AM and all day on Sunday". For one. WOW. Hostile much? So I say we should hang out on Tuesday and we agree. Well yesterday about 2PM I shoot him an email and ask him what the plans for the evening and he tells me that his buddy is coming over for a bit after he gets off so I kindly ask how long he would be there and I thought him and I were going to spend some time together. His response. "We are".
8PM rolls around and I haven't heard from him.
8:30PM Still nothing, I send text message asking if he's still at work.
8:45 - (him) Yes, still at work.
9:00 - (me) Are we hanging out or not
9:20 - (him) Yes, just finishing up some stuff
9:50 - (him) Come over now, I'm here now. Had to charge my phone
10:00 - I head over b/c I'm going to talk to him about stuff and why I'm upset.

I get over there and not only is his buddy there but he's high. I'm not that type of girl where I get mad about people smoking cause I really don't care. However we made plans to hang out and THIS is the shit that he pulls. So I tell him why I'm bothered b/c I wasn't mad, I was highly disappointed. AND he's giggling. Great, I'm in the room trying to have a conversation with a fucking 3 year old...awesome.

I finally tell him to just say what he has to say and he says this "I just really don't want to fuck with it".

I got up and left.

I have deleted his number, all text messages and I feel good. to tell you the truth, I wasn't even upset when I left. I was disappointed sure, but I wasn't sad or mad, just relieved really. To know that the Universe has played it's hand and all I can do is laugh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's never easy to have a serious conversation with a dude who's high. Fun sometimes - but never easy.