Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Who I am...

I will forever be the girl who can't sleep without the tv on...
I will forever be the girl who will dance anytime, anyplace
I will forever be the girl who loves that I have boyfriends that are only 4 years old
I will forever be the girl who thinks that marriage is overrated nowadays
I will forever be the girl who thinks peanut butter banana sandwiches are a good late night snack
I will forever be the girl who jumps on the bed
I will forever be the girl who will do anything to make my friends laugh even if I've had the worst day ever
I will forever be the girl who laughs at the most inappropriate times.
I will forever be the girl who would rather ask for forgiveness than permission.
I will forever be the girl who knows where everything is even in the chaos.
I will forever be the girl who can make a mean cheese quesadilla
I will forever be the girl who could kiss for hours.
I will forever be the girl who dances in the elevator when alone.
I will forever be the girl who pretends to be brave.
I will forever be the girl who believes she has someone watching over her
I will forever be the girl who believes that she was meant for bigger things
I will forever be the girl who wishes that love was something that she could understand.
I will forever be the girl who hides.
I will forever be the girl who daydreams.
I will forever be the girl who laughs at EVERYTHING
I will forever be the girl who doesn't take her own advice.
I will forever be the girl who flirts.
I will forever be the girl who says 'please' and 'thank you'.
I will forever be the girl who knows that her mother is the smartest woman on the planet
I will forever be the girl who can keep a secret.
I will forever be the girl who enjoys ANYTHING made with chocolate
I will forever be the girl who could live off french fries and cake
I will forever be the girl who fixes crooked pictures
I will forever be the girl who secretly avoids mirrors.
I will forever be the girl who wishes she was prettier
I will forever be the girl who runs when someone starts to get close
I will forever be the girl who tears up when she sees good deeds
I will forever be the girl who cleans in heels.
I will forever be the girl who can play a mean game made up word scrabble
I will forever be the girl who wouldn't change a thing
I will forever be the girl who doesn't waste time on things that don't work
I will forever be the girl who is thankful for her family
I will forever be the girl who knows that there's a time and a place for everything
I will forever be the girl who knows that everything happens for a reason
I will forever be the girl who knows that karma exists and she sucks
I will forever be the girl who laughs in the face of danger, as long as I'm wearing my cape.
I will forever be the girl who talks to God.
I will forever be the girl who strives to prove you wrong.
I will forever be the girl who refuses to date someone if his friends suck
I will forever be the girl who would rather listen to music than watch TV
I will forever be the girl who tests.
I will forever be the girl who is searching for the guy who will love her because of all these things… not in spite of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who you are is a good way...